Will Moses grew up with a paint brush. He is descended from a long line of artists, the most famous of which was his Great Grandmother, Anna Mary Robertson Moses (Grandma Moses). At age four, Will began painting with his grandfather, Forrest K. Moses, and it was under his guidance that he developed a love and appreciation for what has become the Moses style of American Folk art. Continuing to paint and carrying on the tradition after Forrest died, Will opened his own gallery, Mt. Nebo Gallery, on the family farm in Eagle Bridge NY; the gallery distributes his original art as well as the books, puzzles, cards and graphics he has created. To this day, Will continues to paint upstairs in the old barn that he converted to his gallery and offices many years ago. Will has 11 illustrated children’s books to his credit, most notably JOHNNY APPLESEED, THE LEGEND OF SLEEPY HOLLOW, and WILL MOSES: MOTHER GOOSE. Will and his wife Sharon continue to live on the old family farm where they have raised three children.
Visit Will’s website to see samples of his work and other merchandise he produces through his Mt. Nebo gallery: www.willmoses.com.
What’s Next? Will is publishing his initial title for Paula Wiseman Books at Simon & Schuster, THE FIRST CHRISTMAS, in 2021. The jacket for this spectacular new book is below.
Below you will find several book jackets from Will’s substantial backlist.