Barbara Elleman was a noted children’s librarian, book reviewer, editor and author. After receiving her master’s degree in Library Science, she took on roles as a school and public librarian, which served as a springboard for her becoming a reviewer and then editor of the American Library Association’s Booklist magazine, where she subsequently founded Book Links, Connecting Books Libraries and Classrooms. Following a stint at Marquette University, where she was named Distinguished Scholar of Children’s Literature, she moved to Amherst, MA. There, she served as trustee, advisor, and curator at The Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art, and donated to the museum her library of professional books about children’s literature - now known as The Barbara Elleman Research Library (BERL). In 1999, she wrote a biography of Tomie dePaola; in March 2021 a significantly expanded revision, THE WORLDS OF TOMIE DePAOLA: THE ART AND STORIES OF THE LEGENDARY ARTIST AND AUTHOR, will be released by Simon & Schuster. Barbara passed away on October 9, 2024 in Amherst, Massachusetts, very near to the Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art, to which she gave so much.
Tomie dePaola