Liz Shanks has devoted much of her adult life to educating young readers and teaching them to develop a love of reading: First as an English teacher, then as a children’s librarian, and, for the last ten years, as creator and host of a Penguin publishing vehicle called “Listen Learn and Grow,” on her website called Liz’s Book Snuggery.

“The Snuggery” has since branched off to include books from many major publishers, with an eye to revisiting the value of rediscovering troves of classic picture books, introducing them to new generations of young readers, and finding soon-to-be-discovered classics.

She lives in Florida and summers on the North Fork of Long Island with her husband. Liz is the mother of two grown daughters who are avid readers. Visit Liz’s website to see many of her archived pieces about the world of children’s books:

What’s Next? Liz has completed her first picture book for children, THE STORM AT SURREY LANE. With illustrations by noted illustrator Bill Angresano, this book will appeal to children fascinated by weather and to all who are concerned about our environment. Selected illustrations appear below. Liz is working on two more books: one is another story about Surrey Lane, for slightly older readers, and the other is a picture book text addressing climate change at the North Pole.


David M. Salkin